This diary sections shows what we get up to, sometimes in the business but often around and about. As I go fishing on every chance I get, I thought you might like to see what I catch in each place, tactics and bait used. You will soon realise that I am not a sophisticated angler and anybody can do what I do (most people probably better)
River Monsters' Book SigningIn the world of angling book-selling, once in a while, a gemstone glistens amongst the pebbles, and Jeremy Wade’s latest book, River Monsters is a diamond in that respect.Read more... |
A Weekend on the Hants AvonAfter working long and hard in the shop over the last few weeks, I was delighted when November arrived to get a weekend fishing on the famous Hampshire Avon which Reg, Lee and I won in a charity auction for the Avon Roach Project.Read more... |
Who's Stupid Idea Was This?I hope you have read about my trip to Spain this time last year, and how, to catch decent fish my friend John and I had to "guest" after dark in the middle of a golf course with armed security guards on patrol. Well he's come up with another crazy idea now that he's back in the UK and roped muggins into doing it with him. I must have a sign saying stupid over my head!!!Read more... |
A week on the WyeThis is our annual holiday when I take Sandy to the Wye for a week. It sounds all fishing but it isn't really. Blissful surroundings, good company and a bit of fishing in the evenings. A recipe for utopia.Read more... |
A Day on the AvonI am delighted to say that we were able to attend the fund raiser for the Avon Roach Project and the Barbel Society on the Hampshire Avon this year, and had a really nice weekend.Read more... |
Sunday Trip to LundyWe had planned a trip after tope for some while from Clovelly. Alas, we didn't catch any but we did catch quite a selection of fish species, a few unexpected ones tooRead more... |
Sharking off WelcombeI had been shark fishing off the Keys but not in the UK so decided to try my luck. No shark but a memorable day watching dolphin.Read more... |
The Royal Exchange 2011 TripEach year Neil, the landlord of the Royal Exchange in Torrington organises a sea fishing trip for his customers. As usual we sailed out of Clovelly on the 'Jessica Hettie' and the 'Independent'.Read more... |
Port Eliot FestivalSandy and I had the chance to attend the last day of the Port Eloit Festival just outside Liskeard to enjoy the music, arts and company and had a great time.Read more... |
Far From Memorable Off IlfracombeAfter such a lovely day at Bude, Lee wanted to sea fish again so we booked the 'Bluefin' out of Ilfracombe - and wished we hadn't.Read more... |
A Day Out At BudeJuly 14th was Sandy's birthday so she had a guitar lesson at Bude, followed by some sunbathing whilst Lee and I had a dabble for mullet. The glorious day was rounded off with an excellent meal at Life's a Beach, a restaurant overlooking the sands.Read more... |
Breaming at DarracottOn a nice sunny day, we decided to have a swing tip "match" for fun at Darracott ReservoirRead more... |
Coarse Fishing BreakSandy has decided to develop her publishing skills with some desk top publishing training, so always the opportunist, I took my tackle along to try to squeeze in a little coarse fishing as I had yet to do any in this new season.Read more... |
Torridge MulletAfter all the horrible weather of recent days, I decided to take my first trip mullet fishing in the Torridge of the year and despite showers and wind, was rewarded with a personal best mullet.Read more... |
Flyfishing for TiddlersAfter catching large fish in the States it was a joy to fish the local rivers for small fish but highlighted my lack of finesse with a fly rod.Read more... |
On to Texas after Alligator GarAs we had travelled all the way to Folrida, I decided it is only sensible to try and catch an Alligator Gar while we are over there to save a transatlantic journey.Read more... |
Return to FloridaAfter we had a disappointing time fishing in Florida in the bad winter of 2009/10, Lee wanted to go back as he felt he had unfinished business with the shark and tarpon.Read more... |
How NOT to FishAfter only being fishing once so far in 2011 I decided to have a break before the coarse river fishing season closed, and it was one of those terrible weekends when evrything goes wrong and gets worse the harder you try. Still, it will make other times seem good!Read more... |
Fishing for CodNow that the coarse fishing season had closed, I was off cod fishing from Bradwell in the Thames estuaryRead more... |
Changing LuckLee, our son managed to fly down from Edinburgh for a weekend in the Midlands where we stayed with Sandy's brother. As ever, we managed to squeeze in a days fishing where we really did have contrasting luck!Read more... |