15th December, 2010
There was great excitement amongst the locals at The Royal Exchange, Torrington, Devon when in September 2009, the Landlord, Neil McDonnell returned from a fishing trip off Lundy Island with a handful of his regulars. One man on board, Keith Armishaw of River Reads’ bookshop, had fished in Florida and spotted that Neil’s catch was an exotic, rarely seen in our coastal waters. Lucky he did, because the fish, which is a Greater Amberjack from Caribbean seas was destined for supper that night!

So with the prized fish safely tucked away in the Armishaw's freezer, Keith began the work of having the fish officially verified and recorded by the British Record Fish Committee, which is part of the Angling Trust at Leominster. Initial identification was difficult but with the help of Douglas Herdson, an expert who works closely with the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth, they were able to certify that this rare fish is indeed a Greater Amberjack, the first recorded capture of this species in UK waters.
Today, River Reads’ bookshop in Torrington received an email from the Committee confirming that the fish is a new British record and it will soon be en-route to leading taxidermist, Chris Elliott in Northampton, for mounting in a glass case. In the meantime, visitors to Neil and Bridget’s pub in Torrington will smile to see the ‘shrine’ which charismatic Landlord Neil has made to this fish, and there is even a song which has been loosely written by local wag, Roger Northcote in praise of the capture. It is set to the music of Monty Python’s ‘Lumberjack’ song and though this is too late to top the Christmas charts, it could well produce a hit to rival the songs of the Cornishmen’s group, ‘Fisherman’s Friends.’!
One thing is for sure, the story of the Greater Amberjack’s capture will become legendary if Neil, Keith, Roger and co. have anything to do with it, and in line with all fisherman’s tales, no doubt in time, it’s size will increase to that of Moby Dick!
Sandy Armishaw