When we awoke on the morning, the wind was howling through the trees where we live, so I made a quick phone call to Ilfracombe and was amazed to discover that the trip was still on. The wind was from the south, which is an onshore wind along that stretch of coast, allowing boats to fish in the lee of the cliffs.

This was another four hour deep sea session, on the Osprey to introduce Chris my brother in law to sea fishing. We motored out of the harbour on a flat calm sea. We cruised around the coast in an easterly direction venturing away from the cliffs as far as was safe or practicable.
When we dropped anchor, we all put a slice of mackerel onto the hook which required over a pound of lead to offset the tide that runs up the channel. It took some while before I caught the first fish, and it was the expected dogfish which the Bristol Channel is full of. Gradually the sport picked up until both Chris and one of the other fisherman had a take and hauled up a juvenile tope which had taken BOTH their baits. Then there was a steady stream of dogfish interspersed with tope. My best was a low double figure fish, with one of the lads on board catching a 20lb’er. In all eight tope were landed, and a good bull huss.

As on previous trips, everybody enjoyed the experience which is great for the novice. All baits and tackle is provided with basic tuition. It is a great way to find out if you enjoy the sport and have sea legs. The only thing that would improve it for me is the use of smaller barbs for these smaller species which would allow them to be returned more easily. However, it was a fun day despite the horrendous weather conditions elsewhere, and as I spend more time sea fishing, the more I enjoy the experience.