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Angling - Big Game Fishing

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    Fishing the AtlanticFarrington, S Kip Jr
    Publisher: Coward - McCann
    Published: 1949
    Edition: Reprint

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Good
    Price: £15.00 

    Game Fish of the WorldVesey-Fitzgerald Brian, and Lamonte, FrancescaThe spine is showing strain due to the thickness of the book behind the fep. Thebook is covered in a clear protective film
    Illustrator: Fraser-Brunner A
    Publisher: Nicholson and Watson
    Published: 1949, London
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: God
    Price: £20.00 

    Go Fishing for SharkPullen, Graeme
    Publisher: The Oxford Illustrated Press
    Published: 1989
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hard Pictoral Cover
    Book Condition: Nr. Fine
    Jacket Condition: Nr. Fine
    Price: £12.00 

    How the experts catch trophy fishUlrich Heinz
    Publisher: Thos Yoseloff/A.S. Barnes
    Published: 1969, London/New York
    Edition: 1st Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Jacket Condition: Very Good
    Price: £10.00 

    Killer SharkDevaney, Carole
    Publisher: Orbis Publishing
    Published: 1975, London
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Price: £10.00 

    Killer Shark: The Biology and Behaviour of Man-eating SharksDevaney, Carole
    Publisher: Orbis
    Published: 1985, London
    Edition: First Thus Limited to 500 Copies

    Binding: Soft cover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Price: £2.00 

    Mako! A History of the encounters in the British Isles (signed copy)Harbage, IanThe definitive work on the species including all known captures in the UK, Mako skippers. boats, everything you will ever need to know. Lavishly illustrated with photographs of the fish, skipers and boats.
    Publisher: Watersmeet Publications
    Published: 2024
    Edition: 1st Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: New
    Jacket Condition: New
    Signature: Signed by Author(s)
    Price: £75.00 

    Modern Saltwater Sport FishingWoolner, Frank
    Publisher: Crown Publishers
    Published: 1972
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Jacket Condition: Fair/good
    Price: £10.00 

    Offshore Salt Water FishingSaltwater Magazine
    Publisher: Creative Publishing
    Published: 2002
    Edition: 1st Edition second impression

    Binding: Hard Pictoral Cover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Price: £5.00 

    Pacific North! Adventures in SportfishingHolm, DougSport fishing in the North Pacific
    Publisher: The Caxton Printers
    Published: 1969
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Jacket Condition: Very Good
    Price: £10.00 

    Profiles in Saltwater AnglingReiger, GeorgeA history of the sport, its people and places, tackle and techniques. Sellotape reinforcing at top and bottom of the spine
    Illustrator: Grinnell, Roy
    Publisher: Prentice Hall
    Published: 1973
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Jacket Condition: Fair/good
    Price: £4.00 

    Profiles in Saltwater Angling: A History of the Sport-Its People and Places Tackle and Techniques.George Reiger
    Publisher: Prentice Hall
    Published: 1973
    Edition: 1st Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Jacket Condition: Very Good
    Price: £6.00 

    Salt Water Game Fishes, Angler's Guide to theMigdalski, Edward C
    Publisher: The Ronald Press
    Published: 1958
    Edition: 1st Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Price: £5.00 

    Saltwater Gamefishing. Offshore and OnshoreGoadby, Peter
    Publisher: Cornstalk Publishing
    Published: 1991
    Edition: 1st Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Near Fine
    Jacket Condition: Near Fine
    Price: £15.00 

    SharkStafford-Deitsch, Jeremy
    Publisher: Headline
    Published: 1989

    Binding: Soft cover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Price: £2.00 

    Shark HunterHousby, TrevorThis is a well used ex library
    Publisher: Priory Press
    Published: 1976
    Edition: 1st Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Fair
    Jacket Condition: Fair
    Price: £4.00 

    Shark Wanted! Dead or AliveScharp, Captain Hal; and Scharp, Mary
    Publisher: A S Barnes and Company
    Published: 1976, South Brunswick. USA
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Jacket Condition: Very Good
    Price: £10.00 

    Steel Barbs, Wild WatersGibbs, JeryThis book is less a technical guide than about the people whose lives revolve about fishing
    Publisher: Outdoor Life
    Published: 1990
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Jacket Condition: Very Good
    Price: £6.00 

    Tales from a Fisherman's Log.[Part of a diary kept by Zane Grey during his 2nd visit to New Zealand in 1927].Zane Grey
    Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton
    Published: 1978
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Hardcover
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Jacket Condition: Very Good
    Price: £25.00 

    Tales of FishesGrey, ZanePrinted by Harper and Brothers June 1919 I-T
    Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
    Published: 1919
    Edition: First Edition

    Binding: Blue Cloth Bound
    Book Condition: Very Good
    Price: £70.00 

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